How to install Angular 5 on windows Operating System :simple in 7 steps
step 1: Install Node JS on your operating system
select your operating system 32 bit or 64 bit
after complete Node JS installation check Node JS installation done ,simple open command prompt and write following command
"npm -v"
step2: Install angular -Cli in your operating system
To install angular-cli simple open command prompt and write
following command
"npm install -g angular-cli"
step3:create new project
to create new project in angular 2 simple open command prompt and write following command
"ng new projectName"
after creation of new project go path of project simple write following command
"cd projectName"
step4: install visual studio code in your operating system
step5 :open project in visual studio code after complete installation open visual studio and in that select file then open folder select your project folder which created in command prompt
step6: after this your project will be open in visual studio code then simple run project using follwing command in command prompt